In law

Friends parents in law
"The Sweetest Thing" by U2
Life is the time in between those sweetest moments...there are times when you connect and feel something so much larger than who we are...and then you come back down, go to school, pizza...

old teachers grandkid

dog owned by my cousins aunt

friend of my sister
"Into My Arms" by Nick Cave
It's good to know that someone believes in you. It's the best feeling I can think of.
- H
Teachers kid
"Pretty Good Lookin' (for a Girl)" by The White Stripes
I have absolutely nothing original to say today. Sorry.
L&L <3

Momma's Cousins kid
What I'm listening to today: "My Reply" by the Ataris
I really don't understand how things can get so bad for someone that suicide seems the only option...I mean, how can you lose sight of knowing that things will pass...because it will, you know?

Painting of a friend
"Cold Blooded Old Times" by Smog
Last night I laughed so hard I cried. I haven't felt that good in a long, long time. Felt like the night was ours alone... like the stars were shining just for us...
"Waiting Room" by Fugazi
I refuse to sit by...treat life like a waiting room. But I'm a patient girl, I'll make good use of the time I have to spend waiting...
"Why Does It Always Rain on Me" by Travis
I love to sit in my room and listen to the rain. Something about the water outside feels like it's cleansing the us all a fresh start. I love the rain on the pavement, the way it runs down the street...the patter on the window...
circling and completing,
coming back around...
then we can know it's all going to work out in the end.