In law

Friends parents in law

old teachers grandkid

dog owned by my cousins aunt

friend of my sister
- H
Teachers kid
L&L <3

Momma's Cousins kid

Painting of a friend
Grandmas sisters grandkids



Made a painting of my uncles wife

s - 100x100
Brother n his gf <3

My grandmas sisters grandkid

this is my world

First thought

Second thought
Made one of myself
s 40x50
If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late
Could you say goodbye to yesterday?
Would you live each moment like your last
Leave old pictures in the past?
Donate every dime you had, if today was your last day?
And would you call those friends you never see?
Reminisce old memories?
Would you forgive your enemies?
And would you find that one you're dreaming of?
Swear up and down to God above
...That you'd finally fall in love if today was your last day?
So do whatever it takes
'Cause you can't rewind a moment in this life
Let nothing stand in your way
each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride
Against the grain should be a way of life
...What's worth the price is always worth the fight
Every second counts 'cause there's no second try
So live like you're never living twice
Don't take the free ride in your own life
You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars
Regardless of who you are
The Queen Of My Heart

with tired eyes tired minds tired souls we slept..

My little brother
My Cousin

first thought

Second Thought,

I know i know ,
Carpe doesn't Have an i in it..
but i did change that,
just forgot to take a picture of it
Another one of my cousins

And both their Mottos

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first thought

Second Thought,

I know i know ,
Carpe doesn't Have an i in it..
but i did change that,
just forgot to take a picture of it
Another one of my cousins

And both their Mottos

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Im doing a painting for my sister, as u see it's a little of egypts history, just Cuz' we come from there..
If I put light behind this painting it will look like this -
but this one was before I was done...
I'll take a good pic of it later
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If u wonder why my sisters last name says El gindy and mine says Mohamed
it's cuz our real last name is Mohamed El gindy, and it really doesn't matter if we write both or one of them

Painting for Mama, just Cuz' she loves Panters..

Me n my sister as kids, but im not done with it yet...
the Straight haired one, my sister, the Curly haired one, me.
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* Sign

Christmas Gift for my brother, not done on the pic, sorry.
I made him a lion Cuz' it's his star sign
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Brothers Girlfriends christmas gift, I also gave her a neckless with her name on it,
salt and pepper in Penguins form
just CuZ' penguins are her favorite animals.
Did you know that penguins only choose one partner that they have for life, when one of them dies, the other one stay alone, it's just like they can't love anyone else but their first life partner .. that's how it should be
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The Picture I Promised U

First Thought

Second Thought
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