"The Sweetest Thing" by U2
Life is the time in between those sweetest moments...there are times when you connect and feel something so much larger than who we are...and then you come back down, go to school, studdy...eat pizza...
"Into My Arms" by Nick Cave
It's good to know that someone believes in you. It's the best feeling I can think of.
"Pretty Good Lookin' (for a Girl)" by The White Stripes
I have absolutely nothing original to say today. Sorry.
What I'm listening to today: "My Reply" by the Ataris
I really don't understand how things can get so bad for someone that suicide seems the only option...I mean, how can you lose sight of knowing that things will pass...because it will, you know?
"Cold Blooded Old Times" by Smog
Last night I laughed so hard I cried. I haven't felt that good in a long, long time. Felt like the night was ours alone... like the stars were shining just for us...
"Waiting Room" by Fugazi
I refuse to sit by...treat life like a waiting room. But I'm a patient girl, I'll make good use of the time I have to spend waiting...
"Why Does It Always Rain on Me" by Travis
I love to sit in my room and listen to the rain. Something about the water outside feels like it's cleansing the world...giving us all a fresh start. I love the rain on the pavement, the way it runs down the street...the patter on the window...
circling and completing,
coming back around...
then we can know it's all going to work out in the end.

deep thoughts
I don't know if we have it better now than our parents or grandparents did...I mean, we have so many more choices, but there's something to be said for a time when we knew less and dreamed more...or maybe that's crazy. I don't know.
"Remnants of Yesterday" by Hot Water Music
Well it looks like someone's feeling pretty nostalgic.
That's the new year for you.
I'm so young but I feel like I've lived a lifetime of drama.
New Year's Resolution:
Take it down a notch.
It's so me to have a New Year's resolution twentyfive days late.
"Better Days" by The Kinks
Feeling like it's all going to be okay today...
ever get the feeling that it's just going to be alright?
Even when there's nothing to feel good about,
sometimes there's just this well of hope inside.
I want to know hope.
I want to let go of fear.
I start today.
"Broken Telephone" by The Be Good Tanyas
When a connection is lost, is it dead forever?
Can feelings change and grow and hide and come back?
Or do they simply live or die?
I'm going to try to stop making things so black and white.
"Must I Paint You a Picture" by Billy Bragg
What if I stopped speaking at all and communicated only through drawing?
Some ideas don't seem so strange in your head,
then you write them down and they seem bizarre.
Well that's another thing journals are good for, I guess.
Sorting out insane thoughts from the good ones...
and avoiding homework.
Alright, I'm not trying to be deep and analytical today. I just feel lazy and like a big procrastinator. I'd love to just stay in bed -- like a Saturday when I was younger.
Perfect World by Simple plan
I'll make sense of me someday. For now, gotta try to make sense of my world...
"How Soon is Now" by The Smiths
start of the year things seem to slow...time freezing with the ground. Feels like I'm waiting for something to happen, seasons to change...something more? Pretty soon, another year will be over. I worry sometimes about time racing by.
What I'm listening to today: "Perfect Sonnet" by Bright Eyes.
is it the point of it all?
To be loved. To be understood. To understand.
Strength and clarity.
That's what I wish for today..
"Return To Me" by Matthew Ryan
This stale time in between Christmas and New Year's. I feel bad for those days in between Christmas and New Year's. They get lost in the hype of the holidays. So here's to December 25th, 2010. A day that will never come again...
Grandmas Cat, Cindirella
Brothers Cat, Lady
If u wonder, yes they r sibblings
Brothers Cat, Mofasa
Things can be broken
what do you do with a heart made of chrome?
What I'm listening to today: "Chrome" by Matthew Ryan.

All the questions... no answers...
I suppose you don't have to have the answers, as long as you're searching for them, just the same. But what if you're asking the wrong questions?
What I'm listening to today: " Life Makes No Sense " by The Ataris
(yeah, back to the Ataris)